3 Signs That You Have a Mosquito Infestation

Did you know that there are more than 100 trillion mosquitos on planet Earth? These pesky insects cause all kinds of health problems for nearby humans, as well as being a general nuisance.

If you have a mosquito infestation, you need to act fast. It’s true these bloodsucking menaces can be found all over the world, but you can at least keep them out of your home. But many people aren’t sure where to start to manage the problem. 

Want to learn more about how to spot an infestation in the early stages? Read on. We’ve put together this simple guide to help you look out for warning signs and take action when you spot them.

1. Noticing Mosquitos in the Early Evening

Mosquitos are mostly creatures of the night. They fly out when it’s dark to wreak havoc, and just like humans, they normally take a little while to get up to speed while they’re waking up.

If you notice a lot of mosquitos around your property in the early evening, it’s likely they’ve made their home close by. Mosquitos emerge from their hiding places as the sun begins to go down and you may spot them preparing for a night of bloodsucking as dusk begins to fall.

2. A Constant Buzzing Sound

Everyone knows how annoying the sound of a mosquito can be. You might try and block it out, but if you’re hearing this sound more often than usual, it might be a sign you’ve got a mosquito problem. 

It might be tempting to block out all that high-pitched buzzing with loud music or TV. But the problem will only get worse if you don’t call in mosquito control services.

3. An Increased Number of Bites 

If you live in an area where mosquitos are common, it’s likely you’ll get bites every year. Even with all the protection in the world, it’s impossible to avoid the occasional bite.

You might have a problem when you start to notice a higher than average number of bites on your body. Perhaps you’re staying up scratching all night, or you’re finding a high number of bites on your skin when you haven’t been outside that day. 

If this sounds familiar, you might have an infestation. Unfortunately, you’ll continue to get bitten until you take action to address the problem. And remember, all these bites can cause health problems down the line. 

Got a Mosquito Infestation? Call in the Experts!

If you’ve spotted some of these key indicators of a mosquito infestation, it’s time to take quick action. Treating mosquitos isn’t a matter of simply buying in some bug spray, or keeping the windows closed. You need to call in professionals to provide quality mosquito treatment.

Mosquito One can help. Across Southeastern Michigan, we offer a quick and easy mosquito control service to eliminate the pesky bugs causing you problems. 

Find out more about our residential services today. Whether it’s mosquitos or any other kinds of bugs causing you an issue, we can help.