4 Oakland Mosquito Treatment Tips to Keep You Sane This Season

Not to scare you, but did you know that mosquitos are often referred to as the “deadliest animals on earth?” Not even the deadliest insects! Their ability to carry disease beats out all the other wildlife on earth. 

And while the US isn’t a hotspot for mosquito-carried diseases the way other countries are, reducing your exposure to mosquito bites is still good for your health. 

If you’ve been looking into mosquito treatment, here are four steps you can take to reduce natural predators in your yard.

1. Never Leave Standing Water 

You’ve probably heard the advice to tip over or pour out any standing water in your yard during the summer. But did anyone ever tell you why? This advice targets areas where mosquitos lay their eggs. 

These pesky bugs lay their eggs in standing water, meaning that anywhere with still water can add more mosquitos into your life. This includes bird baths, watering cans, water play tables, uncovered recreational water sources, and puddles. 

If you have areas in your yard where you can’t avoid standing water, like a pond, or you have issues with yard drainage, you can get mosquito dunks. These are dissolvable disks that release natural bacteria into the water, stopping mosquito larvae from developing correctly. 

And don’t worry, they’ve been declared safe for people, pets, and wildlife by the EPA. That said, your family or pets should never consume outdoor standing water. 

2. Plant Natural Mosquito Repellents

Are you a plant parent? Love gardening? There are specific plants that mosquitos hate, which you can plant around your home for primary mosquito prevention.

Most people know about citronella’s repellent properties, but there are tens of plants that these bugs hate, including:

  • Lavender
  • Marigolds
  • Rosemary
  • Sage
  • Allium
  • Mint 

To name a few. Integrating these plants into your landscaping can act as natural mosquito repellants and protect your plants from other natural predators! 

3. Know Peak Times 

While you can do your best to prevent mosquito bites at home, knowing some basics about mosquito habits is good. For example, they’re most active during the coolest parts of the day, such as dawn and dusk. 

You’re more likely to avoid mosquito bites if you’re in direct sunlight, but that’s not a perfect solution. Who wants to be outside during the hottest part of the day? 

Mosquitos also like cloudy days. The only way to reduce the impact of mosquitos in your yard is to look into a mosquito treatment service.

4. Mosquito Treatment Based in Oakland 

The best way to get rid of a mosquito problem in your yard is to have professionals come and spray your high-traffic areas. These areas could be your deck, rooftop, porch, or garden area. 

Your technician will walk you through what mosquito treatment is and how long it lasts and point out any high-risk areas they notice. 

Getting professional help is the best way to reduce mosquito bites on your property, and it treats other natural predators as well! 

Getting Help for Mosquitos

If you follow all the steps in this guide, you’ll have the most bug-free outdoor space on the block. With these pests out of the way, you’ll be able to enjoy your yard and deck the way you’re supposed to. 

Contact Mosquito One to get started with the best mosquito treatment based in Oakland!