5 Things that Make You Attract Mosquitoes

Locals will joke that the state bird of Michigan is the mosquito and for good reason. Midwestern mosquitoes are no joke. From the time the daily temperature rises and stays above about 50 degrees Fahrenheit, mosquitoes begin to appear. While the most effective way to repel mosquitoes is to prevent them entirely, that’s not always possible when leaving your home. These are five things you may not think of that make you irresistible to mosquitoes.

Wearing Dark Colors

What do mosquitoes and Darth Vader have in common? They’re both arguably evil and they’re both drawn to the dark side. Mosquitoes are very visual hunters. While smell is still a female mosquito’s strongest sense (they will smell the carbon dioxide you exhale from 35-170 feet away), they can see you from 15 to 50 feet away.

Not all colors attract mosquitoes equally, though. Black, red, and navy blue have been found to be the most attractive colors to a hungry mosquito. Wearing light colors can help to prevent mosquito bites.

Getting in a Sweat Session

Sweaty outdoor activities like workouts or yard work can be a lunch bell to a hungry mosquito. Mosquitoes are primarily drawn to carbon dioxide, the number one component of the air you exhale, but that’s not the only reason outdoor workout can turn into a mosquito buffet. Exercise also increases your body temperature and movement, both very attractive to mosquitoes as they can sense heat from about four feet away. Exercise also increases your body’s level of lactic acid. Lactic acid is produced by muscles during physical exertion and is known to be an attractive chemical scent to mosquitoes.

Drinking a Cold One

With more than 275 breweries in lower Michigan alone, it’s safe to say Michiganders love their beer. Unfortunately, so do their mosquitoes. According to studies, mosquitoes are more drawn to people after they have consumed a 12-ounce beer. The exact causes of this are unknown, but it’s thought that this is due to heavier, CO2-rich breathing or an increased skin temperature.

Being Pregnant

Pregnancy comes with a lot of side effects that mosquitoes love. The increased blood flow, increased body temperature, and high levels of estradiol can make pregnant women look like a buffet on legs to a hungry mosquito. Pregnant women dually suffer from mosquitoes as the insects can carry a variety of diseases that can pass to an unborn child including serious diseases like Zika.

High Levels of Potassium and Salt

There’s an old wive’s tale that says that eating bananas attracts mosquitoes. While this hasn’t been proven to be true with a singular fruit, there is reason to believe that mosquitoes are most attracted to people with high levels of potassium and salt. These compounds make mosquitoes go crazy for feet and faces — typically the sweatiest areas on the body.

The Sweet Smell (of anything)

It seems fairly obvious that mosquitoes would be attracted to fragrances. After all, mosquitoes don’t bite humans for food, but rather for an enzyme in human blood that helps mosquito eggs. Mosquitoes, like many other flying insects, actually require sugar in the diet and often this sugar comes in the form of nectar from flowering plants. Unfortunately for humans, many of the products that we use daily contain sweet-smelling compounds sometimes at almost imperceivable levels. When trying to lessen your appeal to mosquitoes, avoid scented hair products, deodorants, laundry detergents, fabric softeners, cosmetics, lotions, and any other scented products.

The best way to avoid mosquito bites is to prevent mosquitoes from making a home in your yard.  Call the pros at Mosquito Control. Our family-friendly mosquito treatments allow you to enjoy your home and yard without the worry or hassle of mosquitos. Learn more about our mosquito services in Livingston, Monroe, Wayne, Macomb, Oakland, Washtenaw counties in Michigan or Wood and Lucas counties in Ohio or book your appointment today.