5 Things that will make you hate mosquitoes even more

It’s no secret that mosquitoes are pests. They tend to swarm in to ruin a good time right when the party is getting started and there’s no amount of citronella or bug spray that can work fast enough. Many Michigan homeowners have chosen to prevent this scenario altogether with professional mosquito treatments, but if you’re still looking for a reason to eliminate these unwelcomed guests, here are 5 things that will make you hate mosquitoes even more.

1. Mosquitoes are the most dangerous animal in the world

It may seem hard to believe, but these tiny creatures, weighing just a few milligrams, are the deadliest animals on the planet. According to the U.S. Center for Disease Control, mosquitoes spread malaria, dengue fever, West Nile, yellow fever, Zika, and more, leading to hundreds of thousands of deaths around the world each year. In 2017, 435,000 people died of malaria with millions becoming ill, including approximately 2,000 U.S. travelers who had returned home with this virus.

2. You’re not imagining it, they really are flying at your face

Have you ever noticed how mosquitoes seem to swarm at your face? It’s not a coincidence. Mosquitoes are biologically programmed to be attracted to carbon dioxide, the same gas that humans exhale. If this wasn’t enough, it’s thought that certain foods like bananas and beer can actually increase a person’s attractiveness to mosquitoes.

3. You can’t escape mosquitoes

With more than 3,000 different species, mosquitoes are found on every single continent on the planet, except Antarctica. While mosquitoes can cause their share of problems for Michiganders living in the lower peninsula, they pose a major threat in South America and Asia. It’s Africa, however, that continues to suffer the most number of mosquito-related illnesses each year.

4. Mosquitoes are greedy

Mosquitoes, while small, have voracious appetites. Male mosquitoes don’t bite humans and instead dine on nectar, but female mosquitoes can eat up to three times their own body weight in human or animal blood. Female mosquitoes need to feed every two or three days on average, with some species needing twice daily feeding.

5. Mosquitoes could bring back the dinosaurs

If you recall in the movie Jurassic Park, the DNA that was sequenced to re-create the dinosaurs came from a fossilized mosquito. It turns out, this bit of science fiction is rooted in science fact. There is real-life evidence to suggest that mosquitoes have been around since the Triassic Period. While this possibility currently remains solely a product of Hollywood and imagination, it doesn’t feel out of character for mosquitoes to be the creature that would bring us all down.

Mosquitoes have no place in your Michigan or Ohio property. Ready to make sure your yard stays mosquito-free this year? Contact the professionals at Mosquito One or schedule mosquito treatment online for this upcoming season!