When Do Mosquitoes Go Away?

Here in Michigan, we’ve got two seasons: mosquito and winter. While the snow and cold last for more of the year than most of us would like, the mosquitoes can make the temperate months almost equally unbearable. That is until the majestic few weeks in the fall when the leaves are turning, the air gets crisp, and the mosquitoes seem to disappear.

If you’re looking to make the most of the Michigan beauty, it can be helpful to know more about how to avoid these nasty bugs. So when do mosquitoes go away? Generally speaking, mosquitoes will start to disappear in late September/early October in Michigan. For mosquitoes to disappear, look for the first frost followed by consistent days under 50°F.

While this is a handy guideline and a pretty solid bet, keep in mind that it’s important to keep vigilant mosquito protections, especially in spurts of unseasonably warm weather or in highly mosquito-infested areas. In October 2020, the Michigan Department of Agriculture and Rural Development released an announcement about a mosquito-borne illness infecting residents and horses in new northern Michigan counties as well as new infection in Montcalm County proving mosquitoes can still thrive even late in the season.

When mosquitoes do finally disappear for the year, what happens to them varies based on the type of mosquito. In Michigan, there are more than 60 different species of mosquito. As cold-blooded insects, mosquitoes will die off or hibernate during the Michigan winter. While homeowners don’t need to worry about the mosquitoes that die, there are some fall preparations that should be made to prevent mosquitoes in your yard next year.

The most important thing you can do to prevent mosquitoes in your yard is to remove standing water sources. Mosquitoes lay eggs in water and some mosquitoes lay cold-hearty eggs meaning the spring thaw will bring ready-to-thaw mosquito eggs. Make sure to empty any birdbaths, rain barrels, or other items that can collect water before they freeze. It’s also a good idea to remove any unnecessary brush piles as this makes a perfect spot for a female mosquito to hibernate for the winter and emerge ready to lay many eggs.

While the weather is getting cooler, there’s still plenty of time to enjoy time outside in your yard and one of the best ways to make sure it’s mosquito free is to call the professionals at MosquitoOne. With expertly applied treatments, you can enjoy the last of the beautiful Michigan weather with no worries of annoying or potentially dangerous mosquito bites.

Contact us today to schedule your fall lawn mosquito treatment or get a head start on creating the yard of your dreams by scheduling your 2021 lawn mosquito treatments today!